Quadrivium Blog

Reducing Spam

Spam is the electronic version of “junk mail.” The term spam refers to unsolicited, often unwanted email messages. Spam does not necessarily contain viruses – valid messages from legitimate sources

Location Services

“Geotagging,” or linking GPS coordinates with your photos and online posts, is often turned “on” as a preset on mobile devices. Be very careful how you utilize this feature. This


World Password Day is a celebration to promote better password practices. Passwords are essential gatekeepers to all of our digital identities, allowing us to access online shopping, banking, social media,

Securing Your Home Network

Home routers have become an integral part of our global communications footprint. Most routers are preconfigured at the factory and are ready for the internet immediately. You should secure your

Every Windows product has a lifecycle.

Lifecycles begin when a product is released and ends when it is no longer supported through automatic fixes, updates, or online technical assistance. Without support, your PC is more susceptible

World Backup Day – March 31st

The data in your computer is invaluable and virtually irreplaceable if lost. The most expensive part of any computer is its data. Components may be upgraded and equipment replaced, but